Prayer Ministry/Prayer Request

There are numerous references in the Bible concerning the importance of Prayer. Here are just a few:
Pray without ceasing -1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests -Ephesians 6:18
Ask and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you -Matthew 7:7
Here at Blessed Sacrament Church we have an active Prayer Ministry consisting of many members who are committed to pray for our Blessed Sacrament family and friends who submit prayer requests. Every month, the Prayer Intention list is sent out to all the Prayer Warriors either by e-mail or postal mail. Some make copies of the Prayer list and give it to others who would like to join in prayer. Please consider becoming a member of Blessed Sacrament’s Prayer Ministry. There are no meetings; all they ask you to do is PRAY!
For anyone who would like to join our Prayer Ministry:
Each month you will receive the Prayer Intention list either by e-mail as an attachment, or if you don’t have e-mail we will send it to you via postal mail. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us by:
1) Calling the Church office at 727-391-4661 and leave your mailing information: name, address, city, state, zip code and phone number. Please include your e-mail address if you have one.
2) Email us with the above information at
For anyone who would like to send in a request for prayer, please contact us by:
1) Filling out the Prayer Request form on this page.
2) Sending an e-mail to the Church office at the following address: Please include the name of the person or persons (last names need not be given if you prefer) in need of prayer and any pertinent information regarding their condition or reason for prayer. This request will be added to the Prayer Intention list and forwarded to the members of the prayer line committee.
3) If you do not have e-mail, please call the office at (727)-391-4661 and leave the information listed above and it will be added to the Prayer Intention list and forwarded to the members of the prayer line.
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