Our Vision
To spread Jesus' Eucharistic Love throughout the greater Seminole area by bringing lifelong disciples into his church through acts of charity, fellowship, and prayer

Our Mission

The Family of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church trusts in God’s Divine Love under the guidance of the Rosminian Tradition of Universal Charity.

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Announcements & News

Lesser Known Saints

1/27/2022 – St. John Chrysostom

St. John, named Chrysostom (golden-mouthed) on account of his eloquence, came into the world of Christian parents, about the year 344, in the city of Antioch. His mother, at the age of 20, was a model of virtue. He studied rhetoric under Libanius, a pagan, the most famous orator of the age. In 374, he began to lead the life of an anchorite in the mountains near Antioch, but in 386 the poor state of his health forced him to return to Antioch, where he was ordained a

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Father Rick's Daily Commentaries

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Thursday after Ash Wednesday

March 6, 2025, Luke 9:22-25 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030625.cfm Must is a strong Word. There are things in life we must do. For instance, if we desire to go fishing, we must acquire some live bait or lures. If we are preparing for a marathon, we must dedicate ourselves to daily practice. If we’re going to manage our finances, we must secure a steady job. And, if we want to follow Jesus, we must willingly shoulder our cross with Him every day. These challenges are not burdens but opportunities for growth

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Mass Times

Morning:  8:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30am

Rosary prayed 7:30am & 9:30am

Morning –  8:00 a.m
Evening –  4:30 pm (Vigil)

          Rosary prayed 7:30am & 4:00pm

Morning: 8:00 am

                   Rosary prayed 7:30 am

Pastoral Staff

Father Rick Pilger


Father Matthew Bibin

Associate Pastor

Father James Gordon

Pastor Emeritus

Our School

Blessed Sacrament School opened in the fall of 1962
