Brent Sowards or Fred Eschenfelder
Administrative Assistant – Gina Sowards
Phone 727-391-466
Liturgical catechesis includes Lectionary-based catechesis, but it is a much broader concept. Liturgical catechesis prepares people to encounter fully the sacramental mysteries inherent in the liturgy, readying them for full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy. Liturgical catechesis similarly invites reflection on the experience of those inherent mysteries. Liturgical catechesis might be more aptly described as mystagogy — reflection on the “sacred mysteries.” Such reflection leads the ones who reflect into a deeper understanding of the sacramental mysteries and helps them appropriate meaning for their lives. It is conversion-centered catechesis.
Adult Faith Formation includes the RCIA program which meets on Thursdays in the Parish Center at 7pm and other opportunities as well. We have over 10 catechists working with the adults. Check the Parish calendar for meeting times. Look at the calendar as well for several Special Presentationsthroughout the year all offered through our Parish Membership of Formed.orgwhich can be accessed through this website.
Our Young Adult Ministry will be meeting throughout the year.
We welcome anyone in their late teens, twenties, and thirties from diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, educational, vocational, social, political, and spiritual backgrounds. We welcome college students, workers, and professionals; as well as persons in military service; single, married, divorced, or widowed; with or without children; all those in search of a better life in Christ!
We are asking all young adults to take this brief survey as we are COURAGEOUSLY LIVING THE GOSPEL! Please click on the link below to take the brief survey.
Please contact the Parish Office if you wish to learn more about our Young Adult Ministry
Updated Schedule coming soon!