A TIME OF HOPE will be presented by Fr. Linus Umoren, Sunday, March 23rd – Tuesday, March 25th, 7 pm–8 pm with morning sessions Monday and Tuesday after the 8 am Mass.
Fr. Linus Umoren, CM, was born on October 20, 1969, in Alwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. He joined the Congregation of the Mission (The Vincentians) in 1988 and made his first vows, bon propo as it is called, in 1989.
Fr. Linus obtained his philosophy degree from St. Joseph Major Seminary, Ikot Ekpene, and a degree in Sacred Theology from Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enuga in Nigeria, in 1997. He made his final vows on September 27, 1996 and was ordained a priest for the Congregation of the Missions on June 29, 1997, the Feast Day of Saints
Peter and Paul.
Fr. Linus holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and psychotherapy from the Gregorian University in Rome. He also holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction