Parish Financial Update

Your extraordinary generosity even during this Covid crisis is most appreciated.  You have enabled us to undertake several major projects that are much needed.  One of the main air conditioning systems in the church has failed due to age and storms, and repairing it is no longer prudent.  The replacement cost is $100,000, although insurance will cover $25,000.

Also, as many of you know, electrical storms destroyed the fire alarm/monitoring system in the Parish Center and gym.  Repairing it requires that the system be brought up to meet current code requirements, with a price tag of $36,000.  The plan is for the church and the school to split this cost, $18,000 each.  We do not yet know if or how much insurance will contribute.

You have probably also noticed some improvements in church: a new video recording system for broadcasting on the internet, new permanent wall projectors for the congregation, and two new prayer stations (Divine Mercy and Our Mother of Sorrows).  What you may not have noticed yet is that one of the confessionals has been converted to a video broadcast room and the other is almost done being completely remodeled.  The cost of these improvements is about $20,000; a significant portion of this was covered by a generous parishioner’s donation and the cost was materially held down by the donated labor of another parishioner.

Because of your Offertory contributions, we have the money and we have been able to approve these projects, even after our normal, but reduced operating expenses.  We thank you very much!

Never-the-less, we must report that we are still behind on our 2020 Annual Pastoral Appeal.  Our assessment this year is $151,000.  As of November 20, 2020, you have contributed $67,000, leaving a balance of $84,000 to be collected by January 31, 2021.  You will be hearing more about this in the coming weeks.

Again, thank you and God Bless you.

Parish Finance Committee


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