F-I-N-C-H, The Word that Leads to Grace!

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, several of our parishioners have been participating in Hearts Afire program by Fr. Gaitley. The first program, “33 Days to Morning Glory” acquainted us with the Immaculate Heart of Jesus, the Blessed Mother Mary, and the Graces received through her intercession. We are now participating in the next step in the Hearts Afire program, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”. It is here that we become intimately aware of His Divine Mercy.

This past Monday, we held the first session “Orientation and Introduction”. While, some of the information wasn’t new to me or was rather mundane information, one topic struck me profoundly, the Finch.

Father Gaitley used the word FINCH as an acronym that is a reminder of Jesus’ Grace opportunities. I want to share this with you.

F – Feast of Divine Mercy. The Church calls us to actively participate in this feast that is celebrated on the 8th day of the Easter Octave. This feast is rich in Grace and Mercy.

I – Image. In St. Faustina’s diary, she recalls how Jesus told her to have this image painted and He wanted everyone to ponder this image of His Sacred Heart and His desire to pour out His Grace and Mercy to all.

N – Novena. We are called to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet everyday for nine days, particularly from Good Friday to Divine Mercy Sunday. It is rich in Mercy and Grace.

C – Chaplet. The prayer given to St. Faustina to invoke and call upon Jesus and His Mercy, Grace and Love. It should be prayed frequently.

H – Hour. This one was new to me. We all know that the Church holds that Jesus died at 3pm, and so, we commemorate that hour with the Stations of the Cross during Lent. But have we considered commemorating this time everyday? Jesus wants us to remember Him all the time, but specifically for us to remember His sacrifice on the Cross everyday at 3pm. A short prayer of thanksgiving will be sufficient.

This acronym, FINCH, has certainly opened my eyes to more profound ways that I can worship my Lord in very simple ways, and, thus avail myself of His Grace that He promises to pour out on those that draw closer to Him.

Even if you don’t wish to participate in the formal program, I pray that you will utilize the FINCH method of drawing closer to the Lord and availing yourself of His over-abundant Grace, Mercy and Love, in this year of Mercy, and for all of your days.

God Bless You All!




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