Clarifications on COVID-19 Plan

Just so everyone fully is aware of the actions and activities at Blessed Sacrament as it relates to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. THERE ARE NO PUBLIC MASSES! There is a private mass every morning at 8:00am that is live-streamed on Facebook Live and later uploaded to the website.
  2. The post in the news section titled Daily Mass contains the link that is reused daily. It is always uploaded by noon.
  3. Confessions are being held on Saturdays at 3:00pm.
  4. Everyday at 6:00pm, Evening Prayer is being live-streamed on Facebook Live. You can find the prayers on or you can download the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  5. Every Friday at 3:00pm, in lieu of Stations of the Cross, there Holy Moments which is live-streamed on Facebook Live. The Holy Moments segment is comprised of the Angelus and Divine Mercy Chaplet.
  6. All news is posted on Facebook and on the website. On our site you may have to use the “load more” link to see all of the news.
  7. The priests and the staff are working hard to keep you up to date and minister to your spiritual needs. If you have suggestions, please email us at

God bless you and keep you safe during these trying times!


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