Ash Wednesday Mass Times

Wednesday, March 5th is the First Day of Lent. Ashes will be distributed after the 8:00 a.m. and 6:30
p.m. Masses.

Liturgy of the Word with the students and distribution of ashes will be at 10:00 a.m.

The reception of ashes is not mandatory nor required. It is your own internal disposition and intention to
repent and start over that is the best fruit of Ash Wednesday, and ashes are an external sign of that
internal reality. You can enter into Lent with a repentant heart even if you decide receiving ashes is
not the right thing for you this year.


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Parish Lenten Mission

A TIME OF HOPE will be presented by Fr. Linus Umoren, Sunday, March 23rd – Tuesday, March 25th, 7 pm–8 pm with morning sessions Monday

Catholic Ministry Appeal

You can give to the Catholic Ministry Appeal directly by visiting the diocese website at:

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