Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life is a 10-week study program beginning on Tues., Sept. 10 from
7 pm –9 pm. in the main church. This will be presented by Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Jeff Cavins, and
Edward Sri. While many of us already know a lot about him, how well can we say we really know him?
Filmed on location in the Holy Land, this DVD presentation is a new and fresh look at Jesus-who he is,
what he is really like, what he taught, and what he did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will
inspire and empower you to center your entire life on him as you come to know and love him in an
ever-deeper and more intimate way. These 10 sessions will provide you an in-depth tour of Jesus’s life.
Each 30-minute presentation is designed to accompany a workbook lesson with small-group discussions in the study program.
The workbooks cost $20. If you cannot afford one, a few scholarships are available. Methods of
payment are:
Online: Via the church website…
Check: We accept checks in the weekly offering made out to “Blessed Sacrament Church” and “Bible
Study” in the memo section. Just place in the collection basket.
Cash: Drop off at the Rectory Office.
Sign ups will be after all Masses the weekends of Aug. 24 & 25 and Sept. 7 & 8.
Come join us and learn more about Jesus’s life