Holy Week 2020

Holy Week is upon us and we will have the opportunity to travel with Jesus through His Passion, Death and Resurrection.
This year, Holy Week services will be different than any other time in recent history; masses will be celebrated in private and live-streamed or recorded for website viewing. Physical separation should not prevent us from sharing spiritually at this Holy Time.

On behalf of the Priests and Staff at Blessed Sacrament Church, we pray that these activities will bring some consolation, hope, and joy to you during this difficult time.

Here is the Holy Week Schedule by day:

April 4th:
• 8:00am – Morning Mass.
• 3:00pm – Confessions
• 4:30pm – Vigil Mass – Palm Sunday

• 4:45pm – 7:00pm – Palms will be outside the main doors of the church for you to drive by and pick one up.


April 5th:
• 10:00am – Palm Sunday Mass.
• 10:00am – 12:30pm – Palms will be outside the main doors of the church for you to drive by and pick one up.
• 6:oopm – Evening Prayer

April 6th – 8th:
• 8:00am – Morning Mass
• 6:00pm – Evening Prayer (with Adoration on Tuesday)

April 9th:
• 7:00pm – Mass – Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper
• 8:00pm – 9:00pm – Adoration

April 10th:
• 8:00am – Stations of the Cross
• 3:00pm – Good Friday Liturgy
• 4:00pm – Confessions
• 4:00pm – 5:30pm – Veneration of the Cross. A large Cross will be placed outside the main doors of the Church for the Faithful to venerate. Please maintain appropriate distancing and make a bow for reverence to the Cross. Do Not Touch or Kiss the Cross to prevent cross-contamination.

April 11th:
• 11:00am – Blessing of the Easter Baskets
• 8:00pm – Easter Vigil Mass

April 12th:
• 10:00am – Easter Morning Mass
• 10:00am – 12:30pm – Holy Water vials will be available at the main doors of the Church.
• 6:00pm – Evening Prayer


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