Friday 14th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday 14th Week in Ordinary Time 07-08-2022
Friday 14th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Matthew 10:16-23


Our religious order, the Institute of Charity, is present and working in the country of Venezuela. I was blessed to visit our brothers and sisters over 30 years ago. I did not know how to speak Spanish. One thing was for sure, I paid attention to every word and pronunciation and learned how to apply it. By the end of my month’s visit, I could ask for something at the table and understand some of the prayers at Mass. It is incredible what a bit of attention will do for you.

Jesus tells his disciples and us not to worry about what we are to say when our faith is challenged. Like not knowing how to ask for something at the table during my visit to Venezuela, I must be attentive to Jesus and others. It is easy to get distracted by issues that divide us. The presence of Jesus is innate in everyone. What we say and do to each other, we say and do to Him. We can feel a division coming on with someone. If my tone and words are harsh and my thinking is judgmental, I have abandoned the presence of Jesus in them for something less critical.

It takes tremendous courage to let go of those issues and embrace Jesus in others. I must pay attention to the tone and the words I use when discussing a hot topic with someone. It is better to say nothing and become attentive to another person than win an argument. Nothing in this world is worth losing Jesus over.

Thank God for the grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus not only absolves my sin but begins to teach me how to speak from his heart in tricky situations. Of course, we will not be successful all the time. But, as Jesus promised, “All will hate you because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved.”


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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