Exciting Audio-Visual News!!!

Dear Blessed Sacrament Family,

It has been 5 months since Covid-19 impacted our community. Since then, the staff at BSC has been working hard to provide our parish family with livestreaming options. I am aware that there are limitations and issues with our current system. I appreciate your feedback and for sticking with us through this period of learning.

I am excited to announce that final preparations are being made to upgrade our overall Informational Technology package for the church.

The staff is in the process of ordering permanent video equipment that will allow for better quality, smoother playing, more stable livestream. With the new equipment, we will also be streaming to YouTube (Blessed Sacrament Church – Seminole), Facebook (Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church), and eventually our own website (blessedsacramentonline.org). We apologize for taking so long to prepare this plan, but with the costs associated with this undertaking, we wanted to be absolutely sure we were making the right plans.

We are also in the process of ordering equipment necessary to provide visual aids for mass. We anticipate the ability to see the prayers, readings, lyrics on both side walls. This will hopefully allow for better participation in the mass.

In order for all this to be installed, we had to upgrade our internet service to the church, add additional sound equipment, and there will be a need to convert one of our rooms in the church into an A/V room. I anticipate that all of our projects will be completed in 60-90 days. I anticipate that you will see some incremental improvements in video as certain tasks are completed.

All of this is possible due to your generosity during this pandemic. I am overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity that you have shown to our parish over the past 5 months. It is my hope and prayer that you see that your gifts are being used wisely and for the betterment of our parish family.

On behalf of the staff, thank you for your prayers, your financial support, and for being a part of our family.

Yours in Christ,


Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.



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