Father Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Saturday, 1st Week in Lent, March 4, 2023
Matthew 5:43-49 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030423.cfm
Relationship Needed.
“Treat me as you would your hired workers.” What a moment when the younger son in the parable came to his senses – when he lost everything and hit his bottom.
But how does that happen in the first place? He never saw himself as his father’s son and did not have his father in his heart. In the emptiness, life was all about him and what he wanted.
You and I can fall into the same trap. Sin, by its nature, destroys relationships because we love ourselves first and not our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When we lose our Sacramental friendship with Jesus, we can choose what’s right or wrong.
Sports and sleep become more important than being with Him on the weekend, and we no longer pray to be with him but for stuff when needed. And like the father in the parable, he waited for his son to come to his senses.
Why not run after him? He would not listen. His heart was too full of his stuff, and had no room for his dad. His dad waited until he needed and wanted him more than anything else.
Gospel Challenge:
We all can look at how we put our stuff and our agenda before our Father’s will for us. Everything he asks us to do in following his commandments and being faithful disciples is for our good and the good of our families.
Friends, we don’t have to wait until we hit bottom. Go to Jesus in your priest and watch him put a ring on your finger and sandals on your shoes, treating you as you are in every fiber of your being, his son, his daughter.
For your convenience, The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every evening during Lent, starting on March 20 from 6-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, until Wed., April 5.
No confessions will be heard during Holy Week. Please take advantage of this
opportunity. We will continue to have confessions on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

Saturday, 1st Week in Lent, March 4, 2023
Father Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Saturday, 1st Week in Lent, March 4, 2023
Matthew 5:43-49 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030423.cfm
Relationship Needed.
“Treat me as you would your hired workers.” What a moment when the younger son in the parable came to his senses – when he lost everything and hit his bottom.
But how does that happen in the first place? He never saw himself as his father’s son and did not have his father in his heart. In the emptiness, life was all about him and what he wanted.
You and I can fall into the same trap. Sin, by its nature, destroys relationships because we love ourselves first and not our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When we lose our Sacramental friendship with Jesus, we can choose what’s right or wrong.
Sports and sleep become more important than being with Him on the weekend, and we no longer pray to be with him but for stuff when needed. And like the father in the parable, he waited for his son to come to his senses.
Why not run after him? He would not listen. His heart was too full of his stuff, and had no room for his dad. His dad waited until he needed and wanted him more than anything else.
Gospel Challenge:
We all can look at how we put our stuff and our agenda before our Father’s will for us. Everything he asks us to do in following his commandments and being faithful disciples is for our good and the good of our families.
Friends, we don’t have to wait until we hit bottom. Go to Jesus in your priest and watch him put a ring on your finger and sandals on your shoes, treating you as you are in every fiber of your being, his son, his daughter.
For your convenience, The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every evening during Lent, starting on March 20 from 6-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, until Wed., April 5.
No confessions will be heard during Holy Week. Please take advantage of this
opportunity. We will continue to have confessions on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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