There are so many pressures in today’s world. Getting caught in traffic getting to and from work can cause a lot of stress. Think of the wasted energy when we carry that stress into our work and family life. It is hard to focus our minds and hearts on a task at work, our comrades, even our family members when we get home.
The disciples were on a long missionary journey when Jesus sent them out two by two. So Jesus knew they were under a lot of stress. Their bodies were tired. Their minds were full of so many wonderful experiences they shared with each other. It was exhausting. So Jesus took the Third Commandment, “Keep holy the Sabbath,” and broke it down into smaller chunks during the week.
“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile.” Rest is vital to our existence. Life is full of anxieties, and a clear mind and heart allow the dust to settle and the fog clear. We slow down in a fog when driving. So we slow down every day in the fog of life. Being still and quiet for a few moments can seem like an eternity. That’s because we are in the Presence of God, who is in eternity. I am learning that He does His best work when I give Him a few moments of attention.
Even if you spend one-minute breathing deeply, you will see a massive difference in how you feel. The Holy Spirit is the “Pneuma or Breath of God,” God-breathed into Adam, who caught the breath and became a living being.
Think about the moments in the day the Lord is calling you to that deserted place inside. There you will not only find rest but His energy to do your work and be present to people who are most important to you.
March 10, 2025, Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus Incognito. You may remember this story. Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote, “One of our novices came from
March 9, 2025, Luke 41-13 Do I Or Don’t I? There’s a stop sign on a busy street near our rectory, 70th Ave. and
March 8, 2025, Luke 5:27-32 Our Friend Levi (Matthew). Have you ever had a problem you were trying to figure out, and nothing ever came
March 7, 2024, Luke 9:14-15 Away from the Lord? Not Really. After my adoration every morning, I end with the benediction and the
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday – 02-05-2022
Saturday 4th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 6:30-34
There are so many pressures in today’s world. Getting caught in traffic getting to and from work can cause a lot of stress. Think of the wasted energy when we carry that stress into our work and family life. It is hard to focus our minds and hearts on a task at work, our comrades, even our family members when we get home.
The disciples were on a long missionary journey when Jesus sent them out two by two. So Jesus knew they were under a lot of stress. Their bodies were tired. Their minds were full of so many wonderful experiences they shared with each other. It was exhausting. So Jesus took the Third Commandment, “Keep holy the Sabbath,” and broke it down into smaller chunks during the week.
“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile.” Rest is vital to our existence. Life is full of anxieties, and a clear mind and heart allow the dust to settle and the fog clear. We slow down in a fog when driving. So we slow down every day in the fog of life. Being still and quiet for a few moments can seem like an eternity. That’s because we are in the Presence of God, who is in eternity. I am learning that He does His best work when I give Him a few moments of attention.
Even if you spend one-minute breathing deeply, you will see a massive difference in how you feel. The Holy Spirit is the “Pneuma or Breath of God,” God-breathed into Adam, who caught the breath and became a living being.
Think about the moments in the day the Lord is calling you to that deserted place inside. There you will not only find rest but His energy to do your work and be present to people who are most important to you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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