My cousin, Fr. Dick Horvath, God rest his soul, was a diocesan priest. A priest like Fr. Dick was all I wanted to be from the 6th grade on. The direction of my life changed when I decided to enter the novitiate with the Institute of Charity founded by Blessed Antonio Rosmini. I discovered his spirit was inside me, and somehow, I intuitively knew what I was learning. It was weird in its own way.
At the end of my novitiate, I decided to take my first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This meant that I would be traveling abroad to England for six years for my priestly formation and studies. Saying “Yes” to God, as Mother Mary did to Angel Gabriel, can be risky because He has all control of your life. Wow! It’s incredible the difference God makes when you say “Yes” to Him. He makes the bad good and even the good better.
I remember waving goodbye to Mom and Dad in O’Hare Airport and walking on that plane. It left an empty feeling for sure. I wouldn’t see them for three years. God needs our trust to get to our emptiness so He can do in us what is impossible. When I opened the door of Derryswood, our community house in England, I knew I was home. The emptiness in my heart was gone. I was greeted by my brothers whom I didn’t know in my head, but I already loved in my heart. I knew they loved me.
What will God do with your “Yes” today? Do not fear. Mother Mary is with you all the way. Pray, “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.” He will.
February 5, 2025, Mark 6:1-6 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020525.cfm Faith’s Struggles. It’s important to remember that we’re not alone in our struggles. Many who are serious about their
February 4, 2025, Mark 5:21-43 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020425.cfm Never Give UP. The more challenging life gets, the better we get, or do we? I had two operations
February 3, 2025, Mark 5:1-20 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020325.cfm Alone and Helpless. People handle pain in different ways. Some have acute pain that never goes away, and
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Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 12-20-2021
Monday of the Fourth Week in Advent
Luke 1:26-38 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/122021.cfm
My cousin, Fr. Dick Horvath, God rest his soul, was a diocesan priest. A priest like Fr. Dick was all I wanted to be from the 6th grade on. The direction of my life changed when I decided to enter the novitiate with the Institute of Charity founded by Blessed Antonio Rosmini. I discovered his spirit was inside me, and somehow, I intuitively knew what I was learning. It was weird in its own way.
At the end of my novitiate, I decided to take my first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. This meant that I would be traveling abroad to England for six years for my priestly formation and studies. Saying “Yes” to God, as Mother Mary did to Angel Gabriel, can be risky because He has all control of your life. Wow! It’s incredible the difference God makes when you say “Yes” to Him. He makes the bad good and even the good better.
I remember waving goodbye to Mom and Dad in O’Hare Airport and walking on that plane. It left an empty feeling for sure. I wouldn’t see them for three years. God needs our trust to get to our emptiness so He can do in us what is impossible. When I opened the door of Derryswood, our community house in England, I knew I was home. The emptiness in my heart was gone. I was greeted by my brothers whom I didn’t know in my head, but I already loved in my heart. I knew they loved me.
What will God do with your “Yes” today? Do not fear. Mother Mary is with you all the way. Pray, “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything.” He will.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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