Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily – 12-10-2021

 Friday of the Second Week in Advent.

Matthew 11: 16- 19

“WE played the flute for you. WE sang a dirge for you.”

Who is playing? Who is singing about our life? As the years go by, I am learning how much God is involved in our lives. The pronoun “We” caught my attention in today’s Gospel. Could it be that when something good happens in my life, God sends his angels and saints? Some I may meet every day. And when something terrible happens, could it be he sends even more angels and saints my way. Some of them I see, and some I don’t.

However, I know this much: When I open a get-well card from someone telling me that I am in their prayers, I see Jesus in them. When someone knocks on my door and asks how I am doing, I see Jesus in them too. These simple things that others do every day let me know that Jesus and His Body, the Church, play their flutes and sing their dirges for me all day. 

I may not realize it, and maybe you don’t either, that “The wisdom of God is vindicated by her works.” The “works” of God are all those good things we say and do for each other all day long. Sometimes we see them and appreciate them, and sometimes we don’t. But they are still good, and they are still there. God works in His people whether we are aware of it or not. That’s just how He is.

I pray with the blind man, “Lord that I may see.”

Ignite the Fire 

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC  


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