Wednesday, the 7th Week of the Year May 22, 2024

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, the 7th Week of the Year.
May 22, 2024, Mark 9:38-40.

A Humble Heart Seeks To Understand Another.

The few verses in today’s gospel give us a little insight into the disciples’ minds and hearts. You can hear the smugness and a hint of arrogance in that statement: “We saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we try to prevent him because he does not follow us.” It would seem that if anyone had a right to have a clique, it would be the disciples of Jesus.

After all, they traveled with him, lived with him, and heard every word he spoke, but they did not have his heart – yet. So Jesus, in his simple way, explained to them that following him isn’t like belonging to a club. In Christ Jesus, there is no them and us, only us.

St. Francis found God’s presence in all creation, each in its own beautiful way. He was so free and saw God’s goodness in everyone and everything. So, God’s presence can also be found in people who are different from us and respond kindly to the faith God has given them.

We must honor God’s gift in them. An arrogant heart drives people away—“I’m better than you.” A humble heart seeks to understand another.

Let us not restrict God or his presence from working in another person or group different from us. We may find that our arrogance restricts us. Seek what is good and honorable in people different from us, even of a different faith.

Gospel Challenge:
In 2003, Pope John Paul II spoke on Christian unity: “May we come to see what is positive in others, to welcome it and prize it as a gift from God.” Let us ask the Lord to sweeten our hearts with his all-encompassing love so that he will find in them enough room to embrace all who are different from us in any way. Honey attracts more than vinegar—every time.

Love Your Neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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