Wednesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Wednesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 08- 17-2022

Wednesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Matthew 20:1-16


Fish are funny creatures. If I was a fish and a giant juicy worm or smaller fish was dangling in front of my nose, I’d gobble it up. But unfortunately, that is not how it works. Instead, they bite when hungry, usually at dawn and dusk. So, if you throw a line in and don’t get a bite, you throw it in over and over again.

That’s pretty much what the landowner did in the gospel. He kept going out all day to look for laborers to work in his vineyard. That grabbed my attention. God never gives up on anyone. He keeps going out into the world through you and me to get folks to work in his vineyard, the Church.

People have all kinds of needs. God wants those needs met, but he chooses to meet them through us, His laborers. Some of that labor involves caring for the sick, teaching, cooking for the hungry, and ministering to the youth and the elderly. There is no end to the good that God’s people can bring into the lives of others. How can those needs be met if people aren’t hired to get involved in parish life?

I call on everyone in a ministry to share why you got involved and how working in the Lord’s vineyard fulfills you like nothing else. Notice how happy you are and the good memories it produces. Give it a try. Be the one who goes out into the vineyard with the Lord in the morning, noon and evening. It will surprise you how people will respond to your invitation.

It’s in our nature to share our wealth of time and energy with others. After all, we are created in God’s image and likeness. People will come if we invite them. We are God’s walking billboards.


Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


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