Tuesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Tuesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 08- 16-2022

Tuesday 20th Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Matthew 19:23-30 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/081622.cfm


Our Bishop initiated the Catholic Ministry Appeal this past year to help those in our Diocese who cannot help themselves. There are over 50 ministries our donations benefit through this appeal. One hundred percent of the monies collected go to people. No monies are used to run the chancery office or the administration of the Diocese.

The people of the parish were amazingly generous with the appeal as we raised over $9,000 of our $118,000 goal. Jesus said in today’s gospel that it is hard for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. But unfortunately, when the word rich comes up, we think of people with more money than they know what to do with it.

The word rich in the gospel are people who think they earned their wealth through their abilities and hard work. Therefore, they give little or no credit to God for their gifts. They can use their wealth as they please; a majority, if not all, stays in their pockets. As a result, their hearts become hardened as they depend on themselves for everything, never turning to God and His providential care.

Does the rich man in the world have more than God, who holds creation in his hand? The answer is obvious: the more we depend on God, the more generous God makes our hearts like His heart. As a result, we never lose anything we give away in God’s Kingdom. It is His giving nature to provide us with even more so His wealth can enrich many who need it.

Pray to be a good steward of all God has given you. Then, you can win God’s lottery every day with your time, talent, and treasure.


Father Rick Pilger, I.C.



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