Thursday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time, October 27, 2022

Fr. Rick’s Gospel Reflection for Thursday, 30th Week in Ordinary Time, October 27, 2022
Luke 13: 31-35
Please open your Scriptures and read these verses prayerfully.

Worn out but ready to go. 

Vacations are great and so much needed. Some last several weeks, others just a few days. Imagine having a vision that will bring peace to the hearts of all people. Everywhere you turn, there is opposition. Some people listen day in and day out, and others won’t go away. There is a thorn in your flesh.

Not a day went by when Jesus didn’t experience that thorn, and it was there long before the night before He died. Did it stop Him from His mission? Did it make Him give up and go with the crowd? NO! It made Jesus more determined to suffer and give His life so all could live and die as he did for the good of others.

St. Luke purposely followed Jesus’ struggle of opposition with Him weeping over Jerusalem. Jerusalem is us, the Church, each one of us. All the problems Jesus faced never caused Him to put others aside, and his heart was like a mother hen who gathered her brood under her wings.

The Gospel Challenge:

Do not be afraid when others don’t agree with you and even harass you because you stand with Jesus. Opposition is all around us in our American society. If society didn’t oppose us, it would cause us to doubt if we are indeed disciples of Jesus. Maybe a family member, a friend, or a co-worker questions your faith in Jesus and His Church. Renounce any bitterness you have for them and unite your suffering with Jesus. Ask Jesus to gather your opposers under the wings of His protection. Please, God, your cross with Jesus will open their hearts to His mercy.


God bless you, my friends.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


Blessed Sacrament Church

11565 66th Ave. N.

Seminole, FL 33772



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