Imagine you just got a base hit and are on first base. You get a comfortable lead because you want to steal second base. Now is not the time to daydream. Your total focus is on the pitcher and every move he makes. You have studied him well, and you know all of his moves. So your timing has to be perfect. If you slip up in any way, you will be thrown out at first, trying to get back where it’s safe.
Staying awake is very important if you want to accomplish your goal. So what is our focus throughout the day? First, think of what you be doing today. Then, you can hope for the best and see what happens. Sometimes you might get lucky, and everything works out the way you want. But what happens if it doesn’t?
Life can be very frustrating at times. However, Jesus offers us a sure solution. He says, “Stay awake.” He knows the perfect way for something to happen that will benefit us and everyone else. His way will bring his goodness into every situation we watch for Him. “My ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 55:9).
His Way benefits us in this life and the next. He can see in the future how every choice we make works out. Even the most difficult times can be the best for us because they challenge us to greatness and to be more than who we are, the Presence of Christ in the world.
There is no worry and anxiety when Jesus is Lord. Instead, ask Him to be with you throughout your day and call to mind his Presence, acknowledging that He is with you whatever you’re doing. You will steal second every time.
March 10, 2025, Matthew 25: 31-46 Jesus Incognito. You may remember this story. Mother Teresa of Calcutta wrote, “One of our novices came from
March 9, 2025, Luke 41-13 Do I Or Don’t I? There’s a stop sign on a busy street near our rectory, 70th Ave. and
March 8, 2025, Luke 5:27-32 Our Friend Levi (Matthew). Have you ever had a problem you were trying to figure out, and nothing ever came
March 7, 2024, Luke 9:14-15 Away from the Lord? Not Really. After my adoration every morning, I end with the benediction and the
Thursday 21st Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Thursday 21st Weekend Ordinary Time 08-25 -2022
Thursday 21st Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Matthew 24:42-51 Thursday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time | USCCB
Imagine you just got a base hit and are on first base. You get a comfortable lead because you want to steal second base. Now is not the time to daydream. Your total focus is on the pitcher and every move he makes. You have studied him well, and you know all of his moves. So your timing has to be perfect. If you slip up in any way, you will be thrown out at first, trying to get back where it’s safe.
Staying awake is very important if you want to accomplish your goal. So what is our focus throughout the day? First, think of what you be doing today. Then, you can hope for the best and see what happens. Sometimes you might get lucky, and everything works out the way you want. But what happens if it doesn’t?
Life can be very frustrating at times. However, Jesus offers us a sure solution. He says, “Stay awake.” He knows the perfect way for something to happen that will benefit us and everyone else. His way will bring his goodness into every situation we watch for Him. “My ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 55:9).
His Way benefits us in this life and the next. He can see in the future how every choice we make works out. Even the most difficult times can be the best for us because they challenge us to greatness and to be more than who we are, the Presence of Christ in the world.
There is no worry and anxiety when Jesus is Lord. Instead, ask Him to be with you throughout your day and call to mind his Presence, acknowledging that He is with you whatever you’re doing. You will steal second every time.
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