Solemnity of the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Corpus Christi Sunday 06-19-2022
Corpus Christi Sunday 2022
Matthew 6:1-6;16-18


Jesus often went to a deserted place to pray and be with His Father. He had hunger, too, in His heart that only His Father could satisfy. However, a crowd of thousands followed Him to that deserted place. I can see Jesus watching us get ready for Church, drive in our car, walk to our pew and wait for Him to satisfy the desert in our hearts with His Body and Blood.

In the gospel today, the people ate the ordinary bread Jesus gave them until they were satisfied. After that, no one went away hungry. Jesus did this all the time in His ministry. He offered His Bread of Life that met different needs people had.

For example, Jesus offered ordinary bread to the people in the desert. He offered His Living Bread of healing to deaf, blind, and leperous people. As a result, Mary Magdelene and the good thief on the cross received the Bread of forgiveness. The lonely Samaritan woman at the well-received the Bread of friendship from Jesus. And Zaccheus received the Bread of conversion.

We receive the same Jesus in Holy Communion at every Mass.

How many times has Jesus fed you with His Bread of Life? In every celebration of the Eucharist, we come to that deserted place in our hearts. What is Jesus offering you today in that deserted place when you receive His Bread of Life? Is there a hunger he wants to satisfy? Is there healing Jesus is ready to give you? Is there a sin He wishes to show mercy when you receive him, the Bread of life? Are you needing discernment to make a decision?

Always come to the holy Mass for Jesus to feed you with whatever you need. But remember, the people came first and foremost to be with Jesus. Every healing and act of mercy and morsel of food was a surprise. With what will Jesus surprise you with today?


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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