25th Sunday in Ord. Time B. "Receives me!’
Healthy competition is good for us.
· It can bring the best in us. In sports, we go to the weight room.
We are the last ones to leave the practice field.
· In competition, we see the results.
We might even come out first.
This is the world where we live.
- Being first is in our face every day.
But I question, is constantly striving to be first in other areas of life worth the loss of important relationships?
- It is very subtle how work and getting ahead can take over our lives.
It happens in family life, and I see this temptation in community life.
There is a "wisdom from above" that can help us keep our priorities in order.
· What does that wisdom say? "The greatest among you must serve the rest.
Who are the "rest" Jesus tells us we must serve?
"Whoever receives a child such as this, receives Me."
· People in our Lord’s time knew who these rest were.
The child symbolized the anawim – the poor, the forgotten, the lowly, vulnerable people in society.
Who are they today?
· The ragged man who’s by a dumpster looking for something to eat.
- The immigrant who is out of place.
- The neighbor’s son, who has Autism, is at your back door at the oddest times.
- Maybe a co-worker I overlook for whatever reason.
- And yes, the "rest" may be a member of our family.
We don’t turn our eyes away.
- We do what Jesus says, "welcome them."
Welcome them with a cup of coffee, stopping to chat, taking an interest in what they are doing at the moment.
- The anawim have stories they need to tell us & we need to hear.
This "wisdom from above" changes lives & makes us whole.
Here is my challenge from Jesus.
- Who in life is the least in my eyes?
Someone I meet all the time?
- When someone is least in my eyes, I must serve them and spend time with them passionately.
I must go out of my way for them.
- My friends, Courageously live the Gospel every day.
The world will be a better place because you did.
September 19, 20201 25th Sunday oin Ordinary Time
25th Sunday in Ord. Time B. "Receives me!’
Healthy competition is good for us.
· It can bring the best in us. In sports, we go to the weight room.
We are the last ones to leave the practice field.
· In competition, we see the results.
We might even come out first.
This is the world where we live.
But I question, is constantly striving to be first in other areas of life worth the loss of important relationships?
It happens in family life, and I see this temptation in community life.
There is a "wisdom from above" that can help us keep our priorities in order.
· What does that wisdom say? "The greatest among you must serve the rest.
Who are the "rest" Jesus tells us we must serve?
"Whoever receives a child such as this, receives Me."
· People in our Lord’s time knew who these rest were.
The child symbolized the anawim – the poor, the forgotten, the lowly, vulnerable people in society.
Who are they today?
· The ragged man who’s by a dumpster looking for something to eat.
We don’t turn our eyes away.
Welcome them with a cup of coffee, stopping to chat, taking an interest in what they are doing at the moment.
This "wisdom from above" changes lives & makes us whole.
Here is my challenge from Jesus.
Someone I meet all the time?
I must go out of my way for them.
The world will be a better place because you did.
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