September 11, 2021, Saturday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time
Heaven help us all
The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon happened 20 years ago today. We still carry the memory of that awful day, and we continue to remember in our prayers the victims of the attack and their families and loved ones who continue to mourn their great loss. We remember the passengers and crew of the aircraft destroyed in the attack as well as the victims on the ground. We remember especially the brave first responders who ran toward danger rather than away, many of whom gave away their health and lives to save others. And we pray for the terrorists as well, because we believe in the redemptive power of prayer and because hatred and vengeance have no place in our hearts. May all of humanity be redeemed.
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February 3, 2025, Mark 5:1-20 Alone and Helpless. People handle pain in different ways. Some have acute pain that never goes away, and
February 2, 2025, Luke 2:22-32 Faith’s Struggles. Tom Brady, an NFL quarterback, took his time to make an important decision. The big question before
February 1, 2025, Mark 4:35-41 Do Not Be Afraid To Go Deep. I Will Raise You Up. One early spring morning, I was
September 11, 2021, Saturday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time
Heaven help us all
The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon happened 20 years ago today. We still carry the memory of that awful day, and we continue to remember in our prayers the victims of the attack and their families and loved ones who continue to mourn their great loss. We remember the passengers and crew of the aircraft destroyed in the attack as well as the victims on the ground. We remember especially the brave first responders who ran toward danger rather than away, many of whom gave away their health and lives to save others. And we pray for the terrorists as well, because we believe in the redemptive power of prayer and because hatred and vengeance have no place in our hearts. May all of humanity be redeemed.
Today’s readings:
1 Timothy 1:15-17; Luke 6:43-49 (442).
“A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good.”
Prepare the Word
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
Blessed Sacrament Church
11565 66th Ave. N.
Seminole, FL 33772
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