Saturday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, December 2, 2023

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Saturday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, December 2, 2023, Luke 21:34-36

The End Times – A New Beginning.

Jesus teaches us that the great tribulation that brings havoc into our world and the lives of His followers is imminent. It is happening right now. Looking at the state the world is in now, it isn’t hard to know it is true. Behind all this havoc is Satan, who hates our walk with the Lord.

He will use anything and anyone to distract us and bring us down. Jesus tells us to pray that we may be able to escape these things. Pray by stopping momentarily and asking the Lord, "What is occupying our attention?"

Share those concerns with Jesus. See him in control as Lord of the universe and trust that he will set all those things right because we are his friends, and he loves us. What might happen if we purposely give the Lord all our concerns and anxieties daily in a quiet moment with him? Peace. That’s what happens.

Because we have nothing to fear? Jesus defeated Satan. Every time we turn to Jesus, he defeats Satan again and again. I am learning how Mother Mary is always waiting by our sides to crush the head of Satan when we pray.

Gospel Challenge:

Holy Mary, full of grace, Mother of God, pray for us sinners NOW and at the hour of death. NOW! Now, she crushes his head on the spot. Satan has no power over her Immaculate Heart, full of love for Jesus and us.

With her, we have the strength to withstand any tribulation.


Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…

Peace be with you.

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.

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