A while back, speakers were innovative in thinking "out of the box." The "box" is a fact of life. We have speed limits we must obey for everyone’s safety. Play stops in sports if a player goes "out of bounds." Going on diets has been around a while, limiting our food intake and eating healthy foods. All of these are valid and deserve our attention. If we don’t, we will face the consequences.
We are so used to living in "the box" that some people are considered crazy when they venture outside of it. At the turn of the 17th century, William Harvey, an English physician, was deemed to be crazy when he discovered the heart’s function and how blood circulates in the body. His findings proved correct and are considered one of the most significant discoveries of all time.
Jesus was considered crazy by his home crowd. In the minds of Jesus’ family and friends, He had to carry on the family business to keep society intact. Family bonds were one of the highest priorities. Jesus stepped out of this box and travelled, preaching and healing people everywhere. It was too much for his hometown to take. "He’s crazy!"
Gospel Challenge:
Review your daily routine. Faith calls us to step out of that routine and try something different. How about when you get up in the morning? It might seem strange to turn off the news and open your Scriptures, listen to the Rosary or a meditation on an app. I use the Hallow App every morning. Life out of bounds for us is fair play for Jesus.
Try it and then share that experience with a friend.
February 4, 2025, Mark 5:21-43 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020425.cfm Never Give UP. The more challenging life gets, the better we get, or do we? I had two operations
February 3, 2025, Mark 5:1-20 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020325.cfm Alone and Helpless. People handle pain in different ways. Some have acute pain that never goes away, and
February 2, 2025, Luke 2:22-32 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020225.cfm Faith’s Struggles. Tom Brady, an NFL quarterback, took his time to make an important decision. The big question before
February 1, 2025, Mark 4:35-41 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020125.cfm Do Not Be Afraid To Go Deep. I Will Raise You Up. One early spring morning, I was
Saturday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time, January 21, 2023
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time, January 21, 2023
Mark 3:20-21 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/012123.cfm
Life Out of Bounds?
A while back, speakers were innovative in thinking "out of the box." The "box" is a fact of life. We have speed limits we must obey for everyone’s safety. Play stops in sports if a player goes "out of bounds." Going on diets has been around a while, limiting our food intake and eating healthy foods. All of these are valid and deserve our attention. If we don’t, we will face the consequences.
We are so used to living in "the box" that some people are considered crazy when they venture outside of it. At the turn of the 17th century, William Harvey, an English physician, was deemed to be crazy when he discovered the heart’s function and how blood circulates in the body. His findings proved correct and are considered one of the most significant discoveries of all time.
Jesus was considered crazy by his home crowd. In the minds of Jesus’ family and friends, He had to carry on the family business to keep society intact. Family bonds were one of the highest priorities. Jesus stepped out of this box and travelled, preaching and healing people everywhere. It was too much for his hometown to take. "He’s crazy!"
Gospel Challenge:
Review your daily routine. Faith calls us to step out of that routine and try something different. How about when you get up in the morning? It might seem strange to turn off the news and open your Scriptures, listen to the Rosary or a meditation on an app. I use the Hallow App every morning. Life out of bounds for us is fair play for Jesus.
Try it and then share that experience with a friend.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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