Saturday 23rd Week in Ordinary Time 2022

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Saturday 23rd Week in Ordinary Time 09-10-2022
Saturday 23rd Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 6:43-49 Wednesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time | USCCB


I know a friend whose neighbor’s tree hit her house during a tropical storm. It was too top-heavy for the weak root system to keep it upright during the high winds. We all have had some tough times with the economy and Covid. Everyone has their crosses, illness, and disappointments to handle.

We can topple over, as my friend experienced, or we can endure the suffering so our roots go deeper. When I feel sorry for myself or allow worry and anxiety to fill my mind and heart, the roots give way. However, peace fills my heart and mind when I ask Jesus to use it to bless someone who asked for prayers.

Saint John Paul the Great knew this well through all his sufferings. He explains, “It is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls. Suffering, more than anything else, makes present in the history of humanity the powers of the Redemption.” (John Paul the Great, His Five Loves. Jason Evert)

God can turn suffering into His victory with a heart of love and surrender. So we get our strength to bear the cross with Jesus from His Heart of self-surrender to His Father. If this seems too complicated, pray with Jesus in the garden, “Let this cup pass me by, but let not will but yours be done.”

The evils of this world can only be overcome through the cross with Jesus. We pray at the Stations of the Cross, “By your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.” The only place to discover this grace is in prayer, communing with God.


Father Rick Pilger, I.C.

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