Old traditions can stay with us for a lifetime. We had a lot of company when I was growing up, perhaps because mom made a great cup of coffee. We always walked people to their cars when they left, continuing the conversation from inside. I even remember waving to them and waiting until they turned the corner and the car was gone. On the way back into the house, mom and dad would bend over and pull the weeds growing with the grass.
God seems to have a different plan for the salvation of the world. Jesus tells the story about a landowner allowing the weeds in the wheat to grow together, and he tells the workers not to pull the weeds. God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has tremendous patience.
He never forgot that he created the world and saw it was good. He never forgot that each human being is made in His image and likeness from the moment of conception. But unfortunately, those pesky weeds are growing along the wheat in every human life. The greater the sin, the greater the mercy God has for us.
When you think about it, if God were to pull all the weeds in society, there would no longer be a society or any people. The good would be lost with the bad in us. So He leaves it up to us to repent from our sins and receive His mercy, especially in the holy Sacraments. One ounce of goodness in a soul outweighs all the tons of weeds in the world. One candle overpowers the darkness of an entire stadium. So let’s ensure we never snuff out that goodness in ourselves or anyone else. God’s goodness is always worth finding.
December 21, 2024, Luke 1:39-45 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/122124.cfm Say Yes to God and Keep saying Yes. In Mary’s meeting with her cousin Elizabeth, we see how our
Luke 1:26-38 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/122024.cfm Let It Be As You Say, And It Will. Think of Mother Mary going about her daily routine, her little jobs around
December 19, 2024, Luke 1:5-25 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/121924.cfm Jumping to Conclusions Do you ever find yourself reacting to someone or something that happens instead of responding in
December 17, 2024, Matthew 21:28-32 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/121724.cfm Simply Try. “The Lord never tires of forgiving, never!It is we who tire of asking his forgiveness.” Pope Francis. How
Saturday 16th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Saturday 16th Week in Ordinary Time 6-23-2022
Saturday 16th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Matthew 13:24-30 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/072022.cfm
Old traditions can stay with us for a lifetime. We had a lot of company when I was growing up, perhaps because mom made a great cup of coffee. We always walked people to their cars when they left, continuing the conversation from inside. I even remember waving to them and waiting until they turned the corner and the car was gone. On the way back into the house, mom and dad would bend over and pull the weeds growing with the grass.
God seems to have a different plan for the salvation of the world. Jesus tells the story about a landowner allowing the weeds in the wheat to grow together, and he tells the workers not to pull the weeds. God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, has tremendous patience.
He never forgot that he created the world and saw it was good. He never forgot that each human being is made in His image and likeness from the moment of conception. But unfortunately, those pesky weeds are growing along the wheat in every human life. The greater the sin, the greater the mercy God has for us.
When you think about it, if God were to pull all the weeds in society, there would no longer be a society or any people. The good would be lost with the bad in us. So He leaves it up to us to repent from our sins and receive His mercy, especially in the holy Sacraments. One ounce of goodness in a soul outweighs all the tons of weeds in the world. One candle overpowers the darkness of an entire stadium. So let’s ensure we never snuff out that goodness in ourselves or anyone else. God’s goodness is always worth finding.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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