Saturday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time July 20, 2024

Fr. Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Saturday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time
July 20, 2024, Luke 12:14-21

Meek And Gentle In The Face Of Violence.

A huge alarm would go off in our heads if someone threatened to take our life. If possible, we would run, call the police, hide, or some people would defend themselves. Protecting ourselves is a built-in instinct that causes us to withdraw or stand and face the music.

Jesus often faced the music with the scribes and Pharisees during His ministry. He called them out for being wolves instead of good shepherds. A wolf’s instinct is to kill the vulnerable and weakest. Jesus presented no physical threat to the leaders in today’s gospel. He only withdrew to a deserted place.

Nevertheless, people followed Him, and their illnesses captured His meek heart. He forgot the threat made to take His life and turned His attention to the most vulnerable and helpless people. How can you keep healings quiet?

Gospel Challenge:
What is so important in your life that you would risk your safety? The meek and gentle heart of Jesus can face any danger without violence.

Love Your Neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC


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