Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Pentecost Sunday
May 28, 2023, John 20:19-23
Pentecost Sunday | USCCB
Unlock Those Doors
The disciples knew Jesus for three years. They were with Him morning, noon, and night. They could recognize Him on the street before the resurrection but had difficulty knowing it was him after the resurrection. One time they even thought He was a ghost – so much for outward appearances.
Now they had to get to know the heart of Jesus and make His heart their own. So Jesus greets them, inviting them to absolve all their fear and confusion. He appears to them behind the locked doors of the upper room. They think and feel, “If they killed Jesus, they might kill us too. After all, Peter, you denied Him three times. We heard you, and we would have done the same thing.”
So to get to the heart of Jesus, they had to let Him into their hearts. It wasn’t the doors of the upper room that locked Jesus out. It was the locked doors in their hearts. So Jesus had to find a way to unlock those doors.
The key He used was His peace. “My brothers, be at peace. It’s alright now. I am with you and will never leave you because you will receive my Spirit, the breath of Life, the Breath of Courage.
He will speak my words in you. When you reach out your hand in prayer for the sick, He will reach out My hand and heal them. Nothing will be impossible for you as nothing was impossible for Me when I was with you traveling through Galilee.
“And I will give you a gift to know that I am doing all these things with you. I give you My peace. Whatever it is you are struggling with, I got it.”
“My Spirit in you will even absolve sin in the soul of a disciple who believes when you say, “I absolve you.” Their sin will absolve like a cup of water on a hot surface after the sun dries it up. It is gone forever.
Gospel Challenge:
We have all received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments. What will it take for the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit of Love and Peace through us to those who need Jesus? Any locked doors? Unlock them. The key is to surrender everything to Jesus and embrace His peace.
Bibin Announcement
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
or .
Pentecost Sunday May 28, 2023
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Pentecost Sunday
May 28, 2023, John 20:19-23
Pentecost Sunday | USCCB
Unlock Those Doors
The disciples knew Jesus for three years. They were with Him morning, noon, and night. They could recognize Him on the street before the resurrection but had difficulty knowing it was him after the resurrection. One time they even thought He was a ghost – so much for outward appearances.
Now they had to get to know the heart of Jesus and make His heart their own. So Jesus greets them, inviting them to absolve all their fear and confusion. He appears to them behind the locked doors of the upper room. They think and feel, “If they killed Jesus, they might kill us too. After all, Peter, you denied Him three times. We heard you, and we would have done the same thing.”
So to get to the heart of Jesus, they had to let Him into their hearts. It wasn’t the doors of the upper room that locked Jesus out. It was the locked doors in their hearts. So Jesus had to find a way to unlock those doors.
The key He used was His peace. “My brothers, be at peace. It’s alright now. I am with you and will never leave you because you will receive my Spirit, the breath of Life, the Breath of Courage.
He will speak my words in you. When you reach out your hand in prayer for the sick, He will reach out My hand and heal them. Nothing will be impossible for you as nothing was impossible for Me when I was with you traveling through Galilee.
“And I will give you a gift to know that I am doing all these things with you. I give you My peace. Whatever it is you are struggling with, I got it.”
“My Spirit in you will even absolve sin in the soul of a disciple who believes when you say, “I absolve you.” Their sin will absolve like a cup of water on a hot surface after the sun dries it up. It is gone forever.
Gospel Challenge:
We have all received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments. What will it take for the Lord to pour out His Holy Spirit of Love and Peace through us to those who need Jesus? Any locked doors? Unlock them. The key is to surrender everything to Jesus and embrace His peace.
Bibin Announcement
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
or .
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