Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023

Matthew 27:11-54

“Who Are You?”

The TV show, NCIS, has been popular for years, and Forensic science helps solve murder cases. A snippet of the song “Who are you” is played at the beginning and end of the show, and it’s a catchy tune that grabs your attention to make you want to solve the mystery.

People, especially the authorities, wanted to know who Jesus was throughout His ministry. At first, Jesus didn’t want anyone to know He was the Messiah. The people wanted a political messiah to defeat the Romans and restore their nation to greatness again. Jesus fulfilled all the prophesies foretold about Him in the Old Testament. Jesus was more popular than the Scribes and Pharisees, so they had to eliminate Him. He was too much of a challenge.

Who are You to me, Jesus? Are you more prevalent in my life than anyone or anything else, including myself? How do my choices and behavior answer that question?

Just who are you to my family? Down my life’s path, have I gotten rid of some or all of you?

In the deepest part of my heart, I pray you are not a threat but an invitation to save me from putting this world before you. Your prayer on the cross comforts me, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.”

Like the Pharisee in front of the Church, I don’t need to remind you that I am a good person. Instead, I pray with the publican in the back of the Church, “Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

That’s where I will meet you in the darkest part of my heart this Holy Week. And you say, “Do not be afraid. I am with you, even there.”


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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