Monday, 7th Week in Ordinary Time, February 20, 2023

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday, 7th Week in Ordinary Time, February 20, 2023
Mark 914-29

Amazement at Little Miracles.

Amazement can stop us in our tracks. We have no words to express how something happened, but we know it’s true and real. I often experience this during spiritual direction and especially in the confessional. For the life of me, many times, I cannot remember anything I said. But I know the Lord helped someone; I can see them change right before me. It is pure grace working in our lives.

Everybody in today’s gospel was amazed. The whole crowd was astonished when they saw Jesus. Jesus was surprised that the disciples didn’t drive out the demon from the little boy. Incidents like this make me take notice of the times God is helping me, and I don’t appreciate how much He is with me.

Jesus never leaves us. Are you aware that something good happened to you or someone else, and you couldn’t explain it? It isn’t luck, or we are not just fortunate something turned out the way it did. The Lord is quietly saying, “I love you this much. Enjoy.”

Gospel Challenge:
I pray, too, that we don’t surprise the Lord with our lack of faith. The moment you need something you can’t do, behold, the Lord is with you. Surrender to Him and let Him take care of everything: no more surprises, just acts of love.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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