Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Monday, 3rd Week in Easter
May 1, 2023, John 10:11-18
Be With Jesus this Moment.
The Lord, in His Providence, has entrusted us with someone to care for and nurture. Some of us are parents and spouses; others are teachers, priests, and employers. Jesus gives us a model to follow in caring for His loved ones. “I am the good Shepherd…who lays down his life for his sheep.”
The good shepherd model challenges us to consider our relationship with the people under our care. It won’t take much to think when we have sacrificed something for them. Sometimes our day is like the woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she didn’t know what to do.
Life can be like that nursery rhyme. We don’t know what direction we are going in; there are so many demands on our time. Something that helps us model Jesus and not a hired hand is ‘be present and attentive to the person or task at hand.’
Please beware of the hired hand who enters our minds when we start thinking about everything we must do. One distraction after another begins to weigh on us. As a result, we feel tension and stress on our shoulders.
When life becomes burdensome, take a moment and be present to the Good Shepherd so he can bring you safely back to where He is working in you. He will give you His heart to love and be present to the people in your care.
Gospel Challenge:
Goodbye, hired hand. Goodbye, tension and stress. Goodbye, the lady who lives in a shoe. Welcome the Kingdom of God, where every need will be met. A little prayer helps us to be with our Shepherd: “Oh, Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.” He can, and he will.
Peace everyone.
Ignite the Fire of The Holy Spirit
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
or .
Father Rick Pilger, I. C.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
11565 66th Avenue North
Seminole, FL 33772
Monday 4th Week in Easter May 1, 2023
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Monday, 3rd Week in Easter
May 1, 2023, John 10:11-18
Be With Jesus this Moment.
The Lord, in His Providence, has entrusted us with someone to care for and nurture. Some of us are parents and spouses; others are teachers, priests, and employers. Jesus gives us a model to follow in caring for His loved ones. “I am the good Shepherd…who lays down his life for his sheep.”
The good shepherd model challenges us to consider our relationship with the people under our care. It won’t take much to think when we have sacrificed something for them. Sometimes our day is like the woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children she didn’t know what to do.
Life can be like that nursery rhyme. We don’t know what direction we are going in; there are so many demands on our time. Something that helps us model Jesus and not a hired hand is ‘be present and attentive to the person or task at hand.’
Please beware of the hired hand who enters our minds when we start thinking about everything we must do. One distraction after another begins to weigh on us. As a result, we feel tension and stress on our shoulders.
When life becomes burdensome, take a moment and be present to the Good Shepherd so he can bring you safely back to where He is working in you. He will give you His heart to love and be present to the people in your care.
Gospel Challenge:
Goodbye, hired hand. Goodbye, tension and stress. Goodbye, the lady who lives in a shoe. Welcome the Kingdom of God, where every need will be met. A little prayer helps us to be with our Shepherd: “Oh, Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything.” He can, and he will.
Peace everyone.
Ignite the Fire of The Holy Spirit
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
or .
Father Rick Pilger, I. C.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
11565 66th Avenue North
Seminole, FL 33772
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