Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for,
March 4, 2024, Luke 4:24-30
When I came home from England after my studies, my family met me at the airport terminal. It seemed like we never would stop hugging each other. And there was a tremendous celebration of my ordination and first Mass.
Imagine Jesus growing up in Nazareth. He was the model child, neighbor, and citizen. Who wouldn’t love the baby and Child Jesus, even the man? Something changed in his relationship with the people of his hometown, Nazareth.
He wasn’t a hometown boy anymore. “Repent and believe in the Good News” was the welcome Jesus gave people when he entered a town. Nazareth was no different. Think how exciting it was for Jesus to walk into town and, for the first time, let people know how much He loved them with the same love his Father had for Him.
The good news of Jesus can seem bad to us if we’re unwilling to change our ways. Jesus knew these people through and through, and he probably hit some triggers they didn’t want to hear or see.
Gospel Challenge:
Do we have some triggers? He may be challenging us to have mercy on someone, enter a new ministry, spend more time with Him and His Word, and make a good confession. Whatever it may be, what is foreign and challenging for us is natural to the Lord. Trust in the Lord. We don’t have to lead ourselves. We only have to follow Jesus.
For your convenience, The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every evening during Lent, starting on March 18 from 6-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, until Wed., March 26.
No confessions will be heard on Holy Thursday – Holy Saturday. Please take advantage of this opportunity. We will continue to have confessions on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland. https://inheartland.com/pages/the-surrender-novena
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
or .
Monday, 3rd Week in Lent March 4, 2024
Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for,
March 4, 2024, Luke 4:24-30
When I came home from England after my studies, my family met me at the airport terminal. It seemed like we never would stop hugging each other. And there was a tremendous celebration of my ordination and first Mass.
Imagine Jesus growing up in Nazareth. He was the model child, neighbor, and citizen. Who wouldn’t love the baby and Child Jesus, even the man? Something changed in his relationship with the people of his hometown, Nazareth.
He wasn’t a hometown boy anymore. “Repent and believe in the Good News” was the welcome Jesus gave people when he entered a town. Nazareth was no different. Think how exciting it was for Jesus to walk into town and, for the first time, let people know how much He loved them with the same love his Father had for Him.
The good news of Jesus can seem bad to us if we’re unwilling to change our ways. Jesus knew these people through and through, and he probably hit some triggers they didn’t want to hear or see.
Gospel Challenge:
Do we have some triggers? He may be challenging us to have mercy on someone, enter a new ministry, spend more time with Him and His Word, and make a good confession. Whatever it may be, what is foreign and challenging for us is natural to the Lord. Trust in the Lord. We don’t have to lead ourselves. We only have to follow Jesus.
For your convenience, The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available every evening during Lent, starting on March 18 from 6-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, until Wed., March 26.
No confessions will be heard on Holy Thursday – Holy Saturday. Please take advantage of this opportunity. We will continue to have confessions on Saturdays from 3-4 p.m.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland. https://inheartland.com/pages/the-surrender-novena
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
or .
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