Monday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time November 6, 2023

Father Rick’s two-minute Homily for Monday, 31st Week in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2023, Luke 14:12-14

What would we ever do that could equal in value what the Lord has done for us? It would seem to be nothing. The folks Jesus mentions in today’s Gospel who have no way of repaying us have a special place in our Lord’s heart.

Such poor ones, little ones, are our greatest treasure. They are much like us. Jesus gave His life for us when we were still sinners and when we were in no position to repay Him. Blessed Antonio Rosmini states this truth today in his spiritual calendar. He says,

It is true that Jesus is so perfect that no perfection can come to Him from His members; on the contrary, He alone bestows perfection onto them. However, as He willed to unite to Himself other people, He communicated to them His own holiness, extending it to them.

Della Educazione Cristiana, Roma 1994

And what is that holiness He extends to us? Holiness is Jesus’ capacity always to please his Father in us. In practical terms, this means that we do for others what he did for us, love them, and be generous to them, whatever form it may cost us, and whether or not they are deserving.

Jesus is asking us to rethink why we help people. Is our intention human or divine? As He says, we can expect something in return from someone we know. "You owe me one," we say. But what about people we don’t know? A person is worthy of our time and resources simply because of their need.

The Lord has given us so much, more than we could ever use. He asks us to share in love just a smidgen of what He has already given us. It isn’t the size of the gift. Our intention is everything.

Gospel Challenge:

We give them a meal, and they give us Jesus. Once again, we are the ones who have reason to be more grateful.

Ignite the Fire

Father Rick Pilger, I C.

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