Monday 2nd Week in Advent 12-05-2023

Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday 2nd Week in Advent 12-05-2023

Luke 5:17-26

It is God’s mercy that moves a person to acts of compassion.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead asked a student, “What is the earliest sign of civilization in any given culture? She did not respond with a tool, a weapon, or a piece of pottery. She answered, “a healed femur. (That is the leg between the hip and the knee.)

How can that be? She said that a healed femur shows someone cared for the injured person. The first sign of civilization in any culture is the evidence of compassion. (Magnificat Year of Mercy Companion, P. 5).

It is God’s mercy that moves a person to acts of compassion.

The friends of the person with paralysis had this mercy in their hearts for their friend. It was this same mercy that Jesus had in his heart to forgive the paralytic his sins and heal him.

Let us call upon Jesus and bring that person to Him in prayer so he may minister to the whole person to everything he knows they need. As we choose first to pray for them, Jesus will use our legs and hands, and voice to minister to them in His Name.

Gospel Challenge:

The friends of the person with paralysis were asking for healing and received much more. What will Jesus do for our friends through us after we ask him?

Ignite the Fire

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.


Blessed Sacrament Church

11565 66th Ave. N.

Seminole, FL 33772



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