Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time 09-19-2022
Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 8:16-18
When I was five or six, my Dad added a bathroom to our house. The foundation was completed, and the brick was about three feet high. Of course, he told me not to play there, but did I listen?
He went into the house for lunch and left his tools out. So I remember jumping off that three-foot wall and thought it was the neatest thing, maybe because Dad told me not to play there. So I climbed this little tree and cut my leg on a limb coming down.
It put a hole in the inside of my upper leg. I didn’t scream or cry because I didn’t want to get into trouble. I walked past the kitchen, past my Dad like nothing happened, got some mercurochrome
and some gauze, but it wouldn’t stop bleeding.
Blood was everywhere. To make a long story short, I told them I cut myself, and they took me to the emergency room. Six stitches later, I had to tell them what had happened. I knew I would be in trouble, so I told them I cut myself on a chisel until he found the blood on the tree.
He sat me down on his lap, told me to look in his eyes, and said, “Son, you never have to lie to me.
“We never have to have secrets.” So I put my arms around him and cried and cried and cried. I remember him holding me so tight, just rocking me in his lap until the last tear was soaked in his T-shirt. That day, my Dad became my best friend, and he still is; God rest his good soul.
“Nothing is hidden that will not become visible, and nothing is secret that will not be known and come to light.” So Jesus gave us His Father, whom my Dad so much emulated that day and throughout his life. We all need that father figure through whom our Heavenly Father reveals Himself.
If you have any secrets, no matter how far back they go, open the door to that secret in your heart and go to your Father in confession. Tell him the whole story, and be free to let your heavenly Father put his arms around you and love you back into His good graces. He can turn something so bad into something so good.
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
or .
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Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time 09-19-2022
Monday 25th Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Luke 8:16-18
When I was five or six, my Dad added a bathroom to our house. The foundation was completed, and the brick was about three feet high. Of course, he told me not to play there, but did I listen?
He went into the house for lunch and left his tools out. So I remember jumping off that three-foot wall and thought it was the neatest thing, maybe because Dad told me not to play there. So I climbed this little tree and cut my leg on a limb coming down.
It put a hole in the inside of my upper leg. I didn’t scream or cry because I didn’t want to get into trouble. I walked past the kitchen, past my Dad like nothing happened, got some mercurochrome
and some gauze, but it wouldn’t stop bleeding.
Blood was everywhere. To make a long story short, I told them I cut myself, and they took me to the emergency room. Six stitches later, I had to tell them what had happened. I knew I would be in trouble, so I told them I cut myself on a chisel until he found the blood on the tree.
He sat me down on his lap, told me to look in his eyes, and said, “Son, you never have to lie to me.
“We never have to have secrets.” So I put my arms around him and cried and cried and cried. I remember him holding me so tight, just rocking me in his lap until the last tear was soaked in his T-shirt. That day, my Dad became my best friend, and he still is; God rest his good soul.
“Nothing is hidden that will not become visible, and nothing is secret that will not be known and come to light.” So Jesus gave us His Father, whom my Dad so much emulated that day and throughout his life. We all need that father figure through whom our Heavenly Father reveals Himself.
If you have any secrets, no matter how far back they go, open the door to that secret in your heart and go to your Father in confession. Tell him the whole story, and be free to let your heavenly Father put his arms around you and love you back into His good graces. He can turn something so bad into something so good.
Father Rick Pilger, I.C.
or .
Sent from Mail for Windows
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