Why does God sometimes answer our prayers right away, and other times it seems like it takes forever? Has that question ever crossed your mind? Today’s gospel will help us answer that query.
The lady in the gospel suffered for 12 years from a hemorrhage. I wonder how many times she asked the Lord to heal her. The official in today’s gospel made one request to bring back to life his dead son. Jesus got up and followed him.
In the case of the official, Jesus experienced in His Person the grief and sorrow of this father. And perhaps with the lady with a hemorrhage, Jesus needed a personal encounter with her so she could know that He carried her pain in His own Body.
When you pray for yourself or someone else, recall the presence of Jesus with you. Don’t just ask him to heal or work miracles to make life easier and better. Kneel down with the official and ask Jesus to lay His hand on you carrying your pain and bearing your suffering.
Please remember that he immediately got up and followed the father to his son’s bed. Also, remember, all it took was a touch of Jesus’ cloak for Him to experience the pain and long suffering of the woman with a hemorrhage.
Gospel Challenge:
Let’s make every moment we experience an encounter with Jesus.
January 2, 2025, John 1:19-28https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010225.cfm Our Voice. If someone walks up to us and says, “What is your name? We respond by giving them our
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Effective Prayer
Why does God sometimes answer our prayers right away, and other times it seems like it takes forever? Has that question ever crossed your mind? Today’s gospel will help us answer that query.
The lady in the gospel suffered for 12 years from a hemorrhage. I wonder how many times she asked the Lord to heal her. The official in today’s gospel made one request to bring back to life his dead son. Jesus got up and followed him.
In the case of the official, Jesus experienced in His Person the grief and sorrow of this father. And perhaps with the lady with a hemorrhage, Jesus needed a personal encounter with her so she could know that He carried her pain in His own Body.
When you pray for yourself or someone else, recall the presence of Jesus with you. Don’t just ask him to heal or work miracles to make life easier and better. Kneel down with the official and ask Jesus to lay His hand on you carrying your pain and bearing your suffering.
Please remember that he immediately got up and followed the father to his son’s bed. Also, remember, all it took was a touch of Jesus’ cloak for Him to experience the pain and long suffering of the woman with a hemorrhage.
Gospel Challenge:
Let’s make every moment we experience an encounter with Jesus.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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