Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary June 17, 2023

Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

June 17, 2023, Luke 2:41-51

Pondering Leads to Trust

The last line of the gospel speaks volumes, “Mary kept all these things in her heart.” It certainly was not a bed of roses for Mother Mary to be the Mother of God. Think of what she experienced: She said yes to an angel with no roadmap – only trust.

She bore God’s Son in a manger filled with hay– an animal feed trough. She and Joseph escaped Herod’s threats and fled to Egypt. She lost her Son for 3 Days and Then Found Him in the Temple.

The sword pierced her heart on Good Friday under the Cross of her Son, but she also knew the joy of Easter Sunday. Mother Mary had much to ponder in her heart. It’s not the pondering or reflecting to try to figure something out.

It’s the pondering that begins with amazement at what God was doing, and He was opening her heart to what it might all mean for her. Its only role is to nourish a seed of trust to become what is already within it, from a beautiful flower to a tree full of fruit.

“Mary kept all of these things in her heart.” Pope Francis once said, “Let us ask the Lord for the grace to receive God’s Word and keep it, and also for the grace to have a heart that is troubled by keeping it.” A heart troubled keeping God’s Word helps us turn to the Lord and trust Him to work it all out.

Gospel Challenge:

Invite Mother Mary to ponder with you something that is challenging you to live the gospel more fully. You will find in her a great support.

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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