Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for January 5, 2024, Christmas Weekday
Memorial of St. John Newman, John 1:53-51
“Come and See.”
You can feel the excitement in Phillip’s heart as he runs to Nathaniel. “We have found the one all the prophets wrote about, Jesus of Nazareth.” But Nathaniel is skeptical, and he hasn’t met Jesus yet. Phillip had an experience with Jesus that was beyond words, beyond persuasive arguments.
Like Nathaniel, the people we share the Lord with have to meet the person of Jesus themselves. How do we lead people to that encounter? It has to be through ways Jesus becomes incarnate in us. Our eyes, our touch, and our words are not our own!
We may not be conscious of it, but Jesus is there. In all the little things we do daily with love in our hearts, we say what Phillip said to Nathaniel, “Come and see.” God’s goodness in the person of Jesus cannot remain hidden in us.
One kind act, one word of forgiveness, or saying, “I am sorry,” can be so powerful that someone will see Jesus as the Son of God living and loving in them. Jesus is truly present in all our words, and in all we do. Think what happened when you owned up to something you did, and people changed instantly, and when you didn’t take responsibility, how awful it turned out.
Gospel Challenge:
Let me close with the words of Saint Faustina, “The Heavenly Father will recognize and glorify our soul to the extent that He sees in us a resemblance to His Son” (The Diary of St. Faustina 604).
Peace everyone.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland.
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
or .
January 5, 2024, Christmas Weekday
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for January 5, 2024, Christmas Weekday
Memorial of St. John Newman, John 1:53-51
“Come and See.”
You can feel the excitement in Phillip’s heart as he runs to Nathaniel. “We have found the one all the prophets wrote about, Jesus of Nazareth.” But Nathaniel is skeptical, and he hasn’t met Jesus yet. Phillip had an experience with Jesus that was beyond words, beyond persuasive arguments.
Like Nathaniel, the people we share the Lord with have to meet the person of Jesus themselves. How do we lead people to that encounter? It has to be through ways Jesus becomes incarnate in us. Our eyes, our touch, and our words are not our own!
We may not be conscious of it, but Jesus is there. In all the little things we do daily with love in our hearts, we say what Phillip said to Nathaniel, “Come and see.” God’s goodness in the person of Jesus cannot remain hidden in us.
One kind act, one word of forgiveness, or saying, “I am sorry,” can be so powerful that someone will see Jesus as the Son of God living and loving in them. Jesus is truly present in all our words, and in all we do. Think what happened when you owned up to something you did, and people changed instantly, and when you didn’t take responsibility, how awful it turned out.
Gospel Challenge:
Let me close with the words of Saint Faustina, “The Heavenly Father will recognize and glorify our soul to the extent that He sees in us a resemblance to His Son” (The Diary of St. Faustina 604).
Peace everyone.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland.
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
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