Friday, 6th Week in Ordinary Time, February 17, 2023

Father Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday, 6th Week in Ordinary Time, February 17, 2023
Mark 8:34-9:1

Don’t Beat Yourself Up.

Occasionally, you will catch a phrase that affects the rest of your life. I noticed one of those catchphrases in the novitiate during my formation to become a religious. Blessed Antonio Rosmini, the founder of the Institute of Charity, called the crosses we carry PPIs, Peculiar Penances of the Institute. All the little crosses that come our way by disappointments, interruptions, people’s poor choice of words and actions that hurt, and many more are Peculiar Penances of the Institute.

These PPIs can bring us down or lift us up. We can get upset and fret over something that goes against us. We can carry this pain around for many days, even into years. We are hurting nobody but ourselves. Jesus gives us another choice.

When I embrace that cross in love for the good of someone I’m praying for, I lose that part of my life and the sting it causes me. I stop beating myself up with painful thoughts, and the agony is gone. Jesus pulls me out of that hole I created by my human reaction.

Yes, it costs us a little to let go of our ego for the good of someone else. But I’m sure glad I left that part of me to die and can walk away free. Jesus says, “deny this ugly side of yourself, and you will live.”

Gospel Challenge:
And the more it costs us, the more blessings will come upon the people and the intentions we are bringing to the Lord. By carrying that cross, we are praying not just with words but also with our whole being. It’s the prayer of miracles.
Do you have any denying to do today?


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC

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