Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Tuesday – 01-18-2022

Tuesday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time 2022  

 Mark 2:23-28   


Moods are changing all the time. Sometimes when I am at a stoplight or coming off the expressway, I often see someone with a sign, “Hungry” or “Need Help.” Maybe you are like me. Depending on my mood, I either feel for them and give them some cash, or I don’t look at them, so I don’t have to acknowledge they are there.

Jesus was walking with His disciples through a grain field, and they were hungry, so they started to pick the heads of grain on the Sabaoth. You could hear the Pharisees, “Look, they are breaking the Sabaoth.” The poor and hungry have obstacles in every age.

Some city ordinances stop people from collecting money on street corners and express ramps for various reasons. Whatever our mood or stand is on this issue, there is a bigger picture. Catholic Charities in the Diocese of St. Petersburg took a massive step to help the homeless get back on their feet. Our parishioners have been preparing and serving 100 to 200 meals every Friday at Pinellas Hope for the past 15 years. 

There are many opportunities in society to make a difference in other people’s lives who no longer can make ends meet. Why not pick some grain for someone hungry or down on their luck? Catholic Charities has a variety of services, and one of them may interest you. Give them a call at (727) 893-1314. It can be exciting and very fulfilling. We don’t have to push anyone back, so we don’t notice them. 

Also, pray for the success of the Catholic Ministry Appeal of our Diocese that provides financial support to these services. 100 percent of donations go to charity.


Fr. Rick Pilger, IC  


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