We all have people we pray for every day. The closer we are to the person, the more intense our prayer is. I heard yesterday from a friend that a mommy and daddy are expecting the birth of their baby in one month. They were told by the doctor the heartbreaking news that their child would die at birth. The infant’s lungs will collapse at birth, and nothing medically can be done to save her life. I carry them in my heart all day and all night. They are asking everyone to pray for a miracle.
Reading today’s Gospel made me think of the difficulty Joseph had when Mary told him she was pregnant and then said, “Honey, I haven’t been with anyone.” Think of this, did Joseph want to divorce her quietly because he didn’t believe her? Or did he want to leave her because he believed her when she said an angel visited her? The Power of the Most High overshadowed her. The child to be born will be called, “Immanuel, God is with us.” I believe St. Joseph loved his spouse so much and knew her so well, he didn’t feel worthy of her. “God was with Him.”
What is God saying to us as we pray for Ashley? What is God’s plan for this innocent child? My friends, no prayer goes unheard by Ashley’s Heavenly Father. God is with her through our prayers.
March 3, 2025, Luke 10:17-27 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030325.cfm When A Challenge Comes Along, Don’t Let The Fire Go Out. A challenge we accept and work at can
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We all have people we pray for every day. The closer we are to the person, the more intense our prayer is. I heard yesterday from a friend that a mommy and daddy are expecting the birth of their baby in one month. They were told by the doctor the heartbreaking news that their child would die at birth. The infant’s lungs will collapse at birth, and nothing medically can be done to save her life. I carry them in my heart all day and all night. They are asking everyone to pray for a miracle.
Reading today’s Gospel made me think of the difficulty Joseph had when Mary told him she was pregnant and then said, “Honey, I haven’t been with anyone.” Think of this, did Joseph want to divorce her quietly because he didn’t believe her? Or did he want to leave her because he believed her when she said an angel visited her? The Power of the Most High overshadowed her. The child to be born will be called, “Immanuel, God is with us.” I believe St. Joseph loved his spouse so much and knew her so well, he didn’t feel worthy of her. “God was with Him.”
What is God saying to us as we pray for Ashley? What is God’s plan for this innocent child? My friends, no prayer goes unheard by Ashley’s Heavenly Father. God is with her through our prayers.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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