We really must give a hand to our firefighters. They find themselves in the most dangerous situations. I was watching on TV a rattlesnake handler teaching firefighters how to manage snakes when they come across them. They wanted to learn the technique of handling snakes, especially venomous snakes. One thing they must do is focus because a snake can bite in the blink of an eye.
Driving in a fog or a snowstorm demands our complete attention as well. Pileups can occur in a flash of a second. Even paying attention, you can become a victim very quickly. Alertness and safety features, like wearing your seatbelt, can minimize injury and harm.
In today’s gospel, Jesus called his first disciples. Jesus got their full attention and did something for them that no one else could do. He cleared out the fog in their lives and relationships and taught them how to handle dangerous situations. So, what got their attention? Was it his charism? Many people have charisms. They often heard Jesus pleading with people to repent and believe the Good News. When they did repent and believe, they were free to leave their nets and father to follow Jesus.
Is there something about you that you do not like and keeps getting in the way? Are there dangerous situations because they can easily lead you into sin’s misery? My friend, acknowledge it, confess it to Jesus and drop those nets. They do not have to tangle up your life anymore. The heartache and the sadness are not worth it. Give it your full attention and wear your seat belt, acknowledge it, confess it and let it go to follow Jesus. He is worth it!
December 21, 2024, Luke 1:39-45 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/122124.cfm Say Yes to God and Keep saying Yes. In Mary’s meeting with her cousin Elizabeth, we see how our
Luke 1:26-38 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/122024.cfm Let It Be As You Say, And It Will. Think of Mother Mary going about her daily routine, her little jobs around
December 19, 2024, Luke 1:5-25 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/121924.cfm Jumping to Conclusions Do you ever find yourself reacting to someone or something that happens instead of responding in
December 17, 2024, Matthew 21:28-32 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/121724.cfm Simply Try. “The Lord never tires of forgiving, never!It is we who tire of asking his forgiveness.” Pope Francis. How
Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Monday – 01-10-2022
Monday 1st Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 1:15-20 – https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/010922.cfm
We really must give a hand to our firefighters. They find themselves in the most dangerous situations. I was watching on TV a rattlesnake handler teaching firefighters how to manage snakes when they come across them. They wanted to learn the technique of handling snakes, especially venomous snakes. One thing they must do is focus because a snake can bite in the blink of an eye.
Driving in a fog or a snowstorm demands our complete attention as well. Pileups can occur in a flash of a second. Even paying attention, you can become a victim very quickly. Alertness and safety features, like wearing your seatbelt, can minimize injury and harm.
In today’s gospel, Jesus called his first disciples. Jesus got their full attention and did something for them that no one else could do. He cleared out the fog in their lives and relationships and taught them how to handle dangerous situations. So, what got their attention? Was it his charism? Many people have charisms. They often heard Jesus pleading with people to repent and believe the Good News. When they did repent and believe, they were free to leave their nets and father to follow Jesus.
Is there something about you that you do not like and keeps getting in the way? Are there dangerous situations because they can easily lead you into sin’s misery? My friend, acknowledge it, confess it to Jesus and drop those nets. They do not have to tangle up your life anymore. The heartache and the sadness are not worth it. Give it your full attention and wear your seat belt, acknowledge it, confess it and let it go to follow Jesus. He is worth it!
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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