Fr. Rick’s Two Minute Homily for Friday – 01-21-2022

Friday 2nd Week in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 3:13-19 


 When I began my studies for the priesthood in England, I met a priest who knew Jesus. Fr. Anthony profoundly affected me and my relationship with God. He wasn’t a scholar who could teach a theological course. He had a presence about him, and I soon discovered that Presence was Christ. 

 Fr. Anthony taught me how to follow Jesus. Reading this morning’s Gospel reminded me of Fr. Anthony. “Jesus summoned those whom He wanted, and they came to Him.” Anthony was my summons to Jesus. In those formative years of my studies and religious life, I was blessed to notice that summons so I could go to Jesus. Every morning I still come to Him in the Blessed Sacrament during adoration, and in His Holy Word, I am sharing with you now. 

 Is there someone the Lord is summoning you to come to Him and follow Him? Maybe it’s someone you personally know. Perhaps it’s a favorite saint whose spirit has touched you and even the thought that saint draws you into the presence of Christ. How exciting it is to be the person Jesus uses to summon others to Himself. Spend a moment today to write that person/saint a letter, telling them how they have given you a deep awareness of Jesus in your life. You will be amazed at how real Jesus will be to you. 


 Fr. Rick Pilger, IC   


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