4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 4:21-30 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/013022.cfm
I remember a saying of my mom and dad’s, “He’s too big for his britches?” It means, he is not what he thinks he is. That is pretty much how the people of Jesus’ hometown sized Jesus up. They were looking for a magic show, and Jesus was waiting for a change of heart in them.
When we walk away from a magic show, we are amazed at what we saw. Our amazement lasts but a few moments and is forgotten. A change of heart lasts forever. It makes me ask, “Do I walk away from Mass like I would a form of entertainment?
The people in today’s gospel were caught in the middle, amazed at the words of Jesus, and yet could not go the extra mile with Him. They thought they knew him. He grew up in their hometown from a kid to an adult. After all, He was the son of Joseph, the carpenter. Now he’s performing miracles. It is just too much to take.
Jesus was not going to be their entertainer. He offered them, and He offers us the opportunity to know He is God’s Son, only begotten, not made but the One who makes everything. We all need the hunger of St. Thomas the apostle, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”
Maybe you are caught in the middle of your commitment to Jesus. You want more, a deeper relationship with Him. Or He is just someone you have known for so long, and you have been quite happy to keep it like it’s always been. Are you good with that? Is Jesus?
We all may be in that frame of mind to a certain degree. Let none of us throw in the towel with the people of Capernaum. How sad. Jesus was aware He could have no personal relationship with any people he knew all his life. So, Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away. I wonder if any of them had regrets.
It won’t be like that here? We will do everything we can to build our relationships with Jesus and this family of Blessed Sacrament. We offer over 45 ministries here at Blessed Sacrament Church, and one of them is just right for you. Ignite the fire and let it be ablaze.
Another saying of my mom and dad – “Don’t be a bump on a log and do nothing.”
Peace everyone.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
Fr. Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Sunday – 01-30-2022
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2022
Mark 4:21-30 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/013022.cfm
I remember a saying of my mom and dad’s, “He’s too big for his britches?” It means, he is not what he thinks he is. That is pretty much how the people of Jesus’ hometown sized Jesus up. They were looking for a magic show, and Jesus was waiting for a change of heart in them.
When we walk away from a magic show, we are amazed at what we saw. Our amazement lasts but a few moments and is forgotten. A change of heart lasts forever. It makes me ask, “Do I walk away from Mass like I would a form of entertainment?
The people in today’s gospel were caught in the middle, amazed at the words of Jesus, and yet could not go the extra mile with Him. They thought they knew him. He grew up in their hometown from a kid to an adult. After all, He was the son of Joseph, the carpenter. Now he’s performing miracles. It is just too much to take.
Jesus was not going to be their entertainer. He offered them, and He offers us the opportunity to know He is God’s Son, only begotten, not made but the One who makes everything. We all need the hunger of St. Thomas the apostle, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”
Maybe you are caught in the middle of your commitment to Jesus. You want more, a deeper relationship with Him. Or He is just someone you have known for so long, and you have been quite happy to keep it like it’s always been. Are you good with that? Is Jesus?
We all may be in that frame of mind to a certain degree. Let none of us throw in the towel with the people of Capernaum. How sad. Jesus was aware He could have no personal relationship with any people he knew all his life. So, Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away. I wonder if any of them had regrets.
It won’t be like that here? We will do everything we can to build our relationships with Jesus and this family of Blessed Sacrament. We offer over 45 ministries here at Blessed Sacrament Church, and one of them is just right for you. Ignite the fire and let it be ablaze.
Another saying of my mom and dad – “Don’t be a bump on a log and do nothing.”
Peace everyone.
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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