Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Thursday – 12-16-2021

Thursday of the Third Week in Advent  


Sponge baths are great the first couple of days, and it might be bothersome if you need help, but it is refreshing. What a difference when you can step under that shower and wash your hair, lather up with the soap, and rinse off. There is no comparison to how you feel before and after that shower.

What would you give to have that refreshing feeling inside? You are washed clean, and you know it. You feel it in how you see yourself. Your relationships are renewed as well. All the wasteful energy and ways you tried to fix people and things are gone. There is no need. Someone better than you is already working on their renewal. You are grateful to Him.

Why did you wait to receive Jesus’ absolution? Why did you think you could do without it? It’s like “the Pharisees and scholars of the law, who were not baptized by John the Baptist, and rejected the plan of God for themselves.” They refuse to go to John and tell God they are sorry. They didn’t receive the Lord’s mercy to prepare themselves for the Lord’s coming in their lives. How much they missed on God’s Gift.

Let’s all get in line for God’s plan.

Ignite the Fire 

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC  


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