Fr. Rick’s One Minute Homily for Monday After Epiphany

January 6, 2025 Matthew 4:12-17; 23-25 –

What Can I Proclaim?

When we hear the words “Proclaim the Gospel,” many of us may feel incapable of such a task. We often think it should be left to professionals like clergy and catechists, but that is not the case. Here’s why: The Gospel that Jesus proclaimed and entrusted to us is not just a text we read or hear. It is proclaimed through how we live our lives every day—morning, noon, and night.

Jesus went about doing good; He healed people on the spot—something only God can do. However, we can all do good with His help. Every day offers us opportunities to comfort someone, teach someone, or feed someone, including our own children.

Have you ever thought about how you could go about your own “Galilee” and proclaim the Gospel through the ordinary tasks you do daily? A mom or dad who changes a diaper or works an eight-hour shift can proclaim the Gospel simply by “doing good.”

Gospel Challenge!

We often forget that our everyday tasks can be a way to broadcast the love that Jesus has for people. Whether serving the least among us or supporting the greatest, Jesus is present in our actions. A pure intention to please Him is all you need; He will take care of the rest, sometimes even performing a miracle.

Love Your Neighbor!

Fr. Rick Pilger, IC   


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