February 12, 2025, Mark 7: 14-23
Is That You?
After someone confesses their sins in confession, I sometimes ask them, “Is that you? Do those things you confessed make you happy? Do they make anyone else happy?” They always answer, “No.” Then I say, “Why do them?”
Sin goes against us. It’s like wanting to go on a diet to lose weight, and we are eating all the wrong foods. It’s like painting over a crack in the foundation of our house, hoping it will go away. Just as a crack in the foundation of a house can lead to more serious structural issues if not addressed, sin can lead to spiritual decay if not acknowledged and repented.
Like eating the wrong food defiling our bodies, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy” defile our person. This means that these sins not only affect our actions but also our thoughts and feelings. We turn into the sins we commit. We think and feel sinful. We wouldn’t eat a rotten piece of meat. It would make us sick.
When I ask a child in confession, “Does that sin make you happy?” Their face says it all with a sad frown. But their heart is speaking, and they are now in the Presence of the Lord. Their frown becomes a smile when they know they are not a bad person but a good person. This transformation, this empowerment, this inspiration is what confession brings.
Praise God! “God saw everything that he had made. Indeed, it was very good.”
Gospel Challenge:
Make a good confession and put your heart into it.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland. https://inheartland.com/pages/the-surrender-novena
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
Father Rick’s Two-Minute Homily for Wednesday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time
February 12, 2025, Mark 7: 14-23
Is That You?
After someone confesses their sins in confession, I sometimes ask them, “Is that you? Do those things you confessed make you happy? Do they make anyone else happy?” They always answer, “No.” Then I say, “Why do them?”
Sin goes against us. It’s like wanting to go on a diet to lose weight, and we are eating all the wrong foods. It’s like painting over a crack in the foundation of our house, hoping it will go away. Just as a crack in the foundation of a house can lead to more serious structural issues if not addressed, sin can lead to spiritual decay if not acknowledged and repented.
Like eating the wrong food defiling our bodies, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy” defile our person. This means that these sins not only affect our actions but also our thoughts and feelings. We turn into the sins we commit. We think and feel sinful. We wouldn’t eat a rotten piece of meat. It would make us sick.
When I ask a child in confession, “Does that sin make you happy?” Their face says it all with a sad frown. But their heart is speaking, and they are now in the Presence of the Lord. Their frown becomes a smile when they know they are not a bad person but a good person. This transformation, this empowerment, this inspiration is what confession brings.
Praise God! “God saw everything that he had made. Indeed, it was very good.”
Gospel Challenge:
Make a good confession and put your heart into it.
Love Your Neighbor:
Please join me in praying for all baptized Catholics to be faithful to Jesus in the Holy Mass every weekend. Hail Mary, full of grace…
Mother Mary, “I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I always want to belong completely to Jesus.” The Surrender Novena – InHeartland. https://inheartland.com/pages/the-surrender-novena
Peace be with you.
Fr. Rick Pilger, I.C.
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