Popularity, like a passing breeze, has a brief existence. One moment, it’s a sports icon; the next, it’s a Hollywood figure. We catch glimpses of their lives, sometimes even delve into their stories on TV. It’s easy to be swept up in their allure, but remember, it’s all transient.
Think of the hype back in Jesus’ time. Who were the scribes and Pharisees? They were the religious leaders, the ones who made sure they were seen and heard. They were the ones people talked about around the dinner table. Today, they would run TV commercials, and we would see them on billboards.
Jesus told the crowds and the disciples to do everything the Scribes and Pharisees told them to do (follow the Law) but not follow their example. Everything they did was for show. As my Mom and Dad would say, they had big heads and were too big for their britches, meaning they were not who they thought they were.
The scribes and Pharisees did everything they could to make themselves appear important to others. They even wore a little box tied around their forehead, called a ‘tefillin,’ indicating they followed the Law to the Letter. Jesus’ popularity was too much. Something had to be done.
When you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, there is no need to flaunt your importance. Nor do you want to be better than anyone else. All you want is to please Jesus with every fiber of your being. You want to follow Him, not a rock star or a sports figure.
Gospel Challenge: Who do you follow? Is it tempting to exult ourselves in the eyes of other people? Try an act of humility and do something menial for someone because you love them or, even better, you want to see Jesus in them. Welcome the Lord’s mercy if there are times you are too big for your britches.
March 19, 2025, Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031925.cfm Someone gave me the book Consecration to St. Joseph, The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father (Fr. Donald
March 17, 2025, Luke 6:36-38 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031725.cfm Nothing is More Exciting and Life Changing. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! What does it mean to be like God? It
March 16, 2025, Luke 9:28b-36 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031625.cfm Listen to Him! Who doesn’t daydream? Please, God, no one is daydreaming now. The homily has just started. I
March 15, 2025, Matthew 5:43-48 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031525.cfm But I Say To You. Families have their way of saying things to each other. I know only a
Father Rick’s Three Minute Homily for Tuesday, 2nd Week in Lent
March 18, 2025, Matthew 23:1-12
Too Big for Your Britches?
Popularity, like a passing breeze, has a brief existence. One moment, it’s a sports icon; the next, it’s a Hollywood figure. We catch glimpses of their lives, sometimes even delve into their stories on TV. It’s easy to be swept up in their allure, but remember, it’s all transient.
Think of the hype back in Jesus’ time. Who were the scribes and Pharisees? They were the religious leaders, the ones who made sure they were seen and heard. They were the ones people talked about around the dinner table. Today, they would run TV commercials, and we would see them on billboards.
Jesus told the crowds and the disciples to do everything the Scribes and Pharisees told them to do (follow the Law) but not follow their example. Everything they did was for show. As my Mom and Dad would say, they had big heads and were too big for their britches, meaning they were not who they thought they were.
The scribes and Pharisees did everything they could to make themselves appear important to others. They even wore a little box tied around their forehead, called a ‘tefillin,’ indicating they followed the Law to the Letter. Jesus’ popularity was too much. Something had to be done.
When you have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, there is no need to flaunt your importance. Nor do you want to be better than anyone else. All you want is to please Jesus with every fiber of your being. You want to follow Him, not a rock star or a sports figure.
Gospel Challenge:
Who do you follow? Is it tempting to exult ourselves in the eyes of other people? Try an act of humility and do something menial for someone because you love them or, even better, you want to see Jesus in them. Welcome the Lord’s mercy if there are times you are too big for your britches.
Love Your Neighbor!
Fr. Rick Pilger, IC
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